My name is Aleksey (trulesorub) and I've been restoring watches from 2013. Lots of pepople are already acquanted with me, but if you are not I'll tell you a little bit about what I'm doing.

Lot's of watches are shown in one copy, but sometimes it is possible to get a similiar instance, though it will never be absolutely the same as its previous one. The condition of the watch's body, the shade of a clock face (which is often more than 50 years old) - all this causes the way it looks and gives the copy its uncomparable originality. Lots of copies are back to life due to some kind of restoration - cleaning, lubrication, replacement of glass or other details, which are not easily found.
All these things are done to serve you for a long time. I really want that person who buy this or that model of the watches become happy and understand... what it is and to have the same attitude to the wathes similiar to the one I have. The watches are given a new life and I would never want them to spend their life on a shelf or in your cupboard.
I hope this information was useful for you. You are always welcome with your questions.
Sincerely yours, Aleksey (trulesorub)